English Language Learning For Children

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  • “I started using these videos for my twins at 3 months of age. They are now 26 months old and...”

  • “I bought my son the entire series at the age of 9 months. I initially introduced the letters, numbers, shapes...”


Complete Video and Book Download Collection

Product Code: Complete Collection
Availability: In Stock
Price: $70.00
Ex Tax: $70.00
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Includes all 22 digital video downloads, all 7 digital Storybooks, and all 6 sets of digital Easy Reader Books

All 22 Video Downloads:

  1. Meet the Letters
  2. Meet the Numbers
  3. Meet the Numbers 2
  4. Meet the Shapes
  5. Meet the Colors
  6. Meet the Sight Words 1
  7. Meet the Sight Words 2
  8. Meet the Sight Words 3
  9. Meet the Sight Words 4
  10. Meet the Blends
  11. Meet the Digraphs
  12. Meet the Letter Sounds
  13. Meet the Math Facts Addition & Subtraction 1
  14. Meet the Math Facts Addition & Subtraction 2
  15. Meet the Math Facts Addition & Subtraction 3
  16. Meet the Math Facts Multiplication & Division 1
  17. Meet the Math Facts Multiplication & Division 2
  18. Meet the Math Facts Multiplication & Division 3
  19. Meet the Math Drills: Addition
  20. Meet the Math Drills: Subtraction
  21. Meet the Math Drills: Multiplication
  22. Meet the Math Drills: Division

All 7 Digital Storybook Downloads:

  1. Meet the Letters
  2. Meet the Vowels
  3. Meet the Numbers
  4. Meet the Shapes
  5. Meet the Colors
  6. Meet the Math Facts Character Book (Numbers 1 to 20)
  7. Meet the Math Facts Character Book (Numbers 10, 20, ...to 120)

All 6 Digital Easy Reader Book Downloads:

  1. Meet the Blends Easy Reader Books
  2. Meet the Digraphs Easy Reader Books
  3. Meet the Letter Sounds Easy Reader Books
  4. Meet the Sight Words Level 1 Easy Reader Books
  5. Meet the Sight Words Level 2 Easy Reader Books
  6. Meet the Sight Words Level 3 Easy Reader Books

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